Annual Giving
A Note from our 2025 Stewardship Chair, James Forsythe
Dear Saints of All Saints,
Hello and Good Day! I recently read about a parishioner who brought a ladder to Church (maybe All Saints). When asked why, the parishioner responded by saying that the Church wanted to lift God’s name on high.
All Saints has done an incredible job in lifting God’s name on high. We presently operate on a budget of $937,000. This budget has allowed All Saints to do many wonderful works. We hope to grow our budget to the million-dollar range. This growth enables the Church to continue our focus on children, youth and pastoral care. This growth also allows All Saints to broaden our commitments to worship, music, fellowship, and to the good works in our community. Additionally, this budget makes it possible for the Church to enlarge its commitment to our staff, to our facilities and to the Diocese of Virginia.
To support these aspirations, All Saints needs to receive pledges of $750,224. A big asking, but an attainable one, if we want All Saints to be the parish she can be.
You may have questions concerning our ambitions. We hope you will attend one of the many stewardship events in October to learn more about our objectives for the future. See the graphic below for a list of stewardship events.
Stewardship season concludes on November 3rd, All Saints Sunday. We pray you will submit the a pledge card on or before that special day. If you need an extra, you can pick one up in the narthex (back of the church) or by the stewardship bulletin board in the cloister hallway. You can also make your pledge online by clicking here.
“Ascribe to the Lord the honor due his Name: bring offerings and come into his courts.”
Thanks be to God,
James Forsythe
Stewardship Chair
Important Links
To make your 2025 pledge online, click here.
To request a pledge card in the mail, click here.
Please contact the parish administrator with any questions or to update your contact information.