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Faith Formation Returns September 8
Faith formation resumes on September 8th, at 9:15am in Thornton Hall. We will begin with a 4-week study of the Book of Ruth. Please bring whatever Bible translation you normally use and join us for conversation, learning, and laughter. Coffee and breakfast snacks provided. And, please come when you are able. You don't need to attend every session if your calendar does not permit.
Men's Club Dinner: September 16
The Men’s Club will begin their monthly dinners again on Monday, September 16 at 6pm. They will meet in the Parish Hall for dinner, fellowship, and a speaker. ​​​
The Great Hymnathon: September 27-29
Support the choirs as they raise funds for scholarships for our 2025 trip to Scotland by joining the challenge to sing all 720 hymns from the Hymnal 1982! The Hymnathon will kick off at 5:00 PM on Friday, September 27, continue at 8:00 AM on Saturday, September 28, and conclude after church on Sunday, September 29. Everyone is invited to join us as we sing at least one verse of every hymn in the hymnal! If you have a favorite hymn you'd like to sponsor, please check the list to see if it’s still available. You can choose as many hymns as you’d like. Email Scott Hayes or call the office with your selections.
Payments can be made by check or online. For checks, please make them out to All Saints and include “Hymnathon” in the memo. For online payments, select “Scotland Trip 2025” as the fund and include “Hymnathon” in the memo. For complete details click here.
Blessing of the Animals: September 29 at 5pm
Our annual blessing of the animals service will be held Sunday, September 29 at 5pm outdoors on the patio. Bring your pet, a picture of your pet, or even a special stuffed animal for a blessing. We will also be collecting dog and cat food (dry and wet), cat toys, and towels (new or used) for the Richmond SPCA.
Stewardship Breakfast: October 6 at 9:00am
Everyone is invited to join us for a special stewardship breakfast in the parish hall given by the All Saints Endowment Board. It will take place on Sunday, October 6 between the two services at 9:00am. Come eat a delicious breakfast and hear about our financial and stewardship plans for this year!
Do you like to Sing?
We’re always looking for new singers of all ages and voice parts. If you, or anyone you know, has a voice they’d like to share in worship, please consider joining us! Boys & Girls Choirs will resume rehearsal on Thursday, August 29, 5:30 – 7:30 PM. And the Men’s & Parish Choirs will resume at 7:00 PM the same day. Questions? Ask Scott Hayes, Director of Music at or at 288.7811.
Join the Garden Guild
Want to get your hands dirty? The All Saints Garden Guild is reforming. Help with the regular upkeep of our many beautiful gardens. Lots of different tasks, something for every ability. Come when you can. Any time you can give is appreciated. No previous experience needed. No long-term commitment. Email our Junior Warden, Gretchen Jones,, to sign up or ask questions.
Join the Saintly Stitchers
If you like doing needlework (or not) and like the idea of joining others in the library for a time to just be social while knitting, needlepointing, cross stitching, crocheting, (or none of those), then Saintly Stitchers is for you. We meet on Wednesdays at 2 pm and invite any and all to come sit with us. Stop by each week or when you can. If you would like to share in our prayer square ministry, we have members eager to teach you. Yarn and needles provided.
Are You OK?
Our Congregational Care Team wants you to contact a member of the team, Winston, or Ben+ if you or someone you love needs pastoral care or attention. As a community of Saints and friends, we believe in the power of prayer and being there to support you during challenging times. If you are ill, having surgery, hospitalized, mourning, or just struggling with something, please do not hesitate to reach out to the church office. We are here to bring you a meal, extend a helping hand, lend an attentive ear, and offer prayers. We want you to be OK, and help in any way we can.
Partnership with Welborne United Methodist Food Pantry - Donations + Volunteer Opportunities
We began providing food donations to Welborne's Community Food Pantry when COVID began and continue to collect shelf stable food donations. Donations are accepted anytime and can be dropped off in the green shed by the All Saints playground. To see their most needed items, please check their facebook page.
Pray for the Saints: Thursdays at 12:15pm
Calling all prayer partners! “Pray for the Saints” meets Thursdays at 12:15pm-1pm, in the All Saints Library. This is a comforting, healing and forward looking time of prayer. Join us whenever you can.
Miss Anne's Music + Movement Drop-In Class
Join Miss Anne for a fun filled 30 minutes of music, movement, and play outside on the patios, Tuesdays 10am or 11am; Wednesdays 9:30am or 10:30am; Fridays 10am or 11am. This is a drop in class, no signup required. For more information, visit her Instagram page @missannesmusicandmovement
Stay in Touch
The best way to keep in touch with us is by subscribing to our e-DOVE newsletter. Click here to subscribe.
You can also find highlights and updates on our Facebook page.
*If you would like to view our live stream service Sundays at 10:30am,
visit our Facebook page, YouTube Channel, or website.